Photo provided by Sawyer Yards

Weekend One

2101 Winter Street
Houston, Texas 77007

  • October 2nd, 5pm-9pm

This week’s highlights are the Fall Biannual Art Show & Sale and FotoFest Exhibition. Meet artists in their studios, view the latest gallery exhibitions, and enjoy an interactive art experience on October 3 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Take in the In Place of an Index exhibition featuring 12 artists native to or currently living and working in Texas. The exhibition is produced and presented in conjunction with the 2021 Texas Biennial exhibition, A New Landscape, A Possible Horizon. The exhibition is a curatorial collaboration between Max Fields and Texas Biennial curators Ryan N. Dennis and Evan Garza.

Wrap up the weekend with a sweet tea and irresistible selection of soul food at Gus’s World Famous Fried Chicken, or say “hello” to modern Vietnamese eats at Xin Chao.


Co-Founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss in Houston, in 1983, FotoFest promotes international awareness of museum-quality photographic and new media art from around the world. The first and longest-running photographic arts festival in the United States, the first FotoFest Biennial was held in 1986. It is considered one of the leading international photography Biennials in the world.