Finances: Money, Budget, and Taxes

Financial Literacy tools

You work hard for your money and should keep as much of it as you can for yourself.  If you want to be financially successful, you should know how to manage money, use credit effectively, build wealth, and make good financial decisions throughout your life.

Below are a few online resources that we’ve found that provide additional insight into financial management.

Creative Capital: Financial Literacy Cheat Sheet for Artists

Because being deeply invested in money management often feels uncreative, many artists get comfortable with keeping their understanding of their financial health and future as vague as possible, a kind of “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” approach. Luckily our friends at Creative Capital have compiled a Financial Literacy Cheat Sheet which includes:

UH Financial Literacy 101 Resources

The University of Houston has a list of free and low-cost financial resources that are applicable to students and artists alike.

My is the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching the basics about financial education. Whether you are buying a home, balancing your checkbook, or investing in your education, these  resources will help you maximize your financial decisions. Throughout the site, you will find important information from 20 federal agencies and bureaus designed to help you make smart financial choices.

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy

360 Degrees of Financial Literacy is a free program of the nation’s certified public accountants to help Americans understand their personal finances through every stage of life. The website contains articles addressing such topics as “Freshman Finance 101: Money Management Skills for College Students” and “College students and credit cards: What you don’t know can hurt you.”

FDIC Consumer Privacy

This page from the FDIC provides links to information about consumer financial rights, privacy choices, and privacy legislation as well as answers to financial privacy questions.